Individual Support Services
Individual Support Services (ISS) is a grant program intended to help eligible individuals at home and enhance their quality of life. ISS provides financial assistance to families and individuals through full or partial reimbursement of approved expenditures based on a sliding fee scale and up to an annual allocation cap.
Eligible individuals are those determined through the County Board eligibility process to have a developmental disability and live in Defiance County.
There are two primary goals for the program:
1. Provide services so that the qualifying individual may stay in their home, preventing or reducing the need for institutionalization.
2. Assist individuals with disabilities in becoming more independent and self-sufficient.

To find out if you are eligible for Individual Support Services, or for more information on other areas/examples of possible assistance, please contact your Early Intervention Team Member, Service and Support Administrator, or the Individual Support Services Coordinator at (419) 782-6621.