Our full day preschool classes serve children ages three to five years old!
There are two preschool classes located within Good Samaritan School.
Individual programs are designed for each child to reach their full potential. Classroom activities promote language, body movement, self-care, getting along with others and academic readiness skills. Preschool classes are limited in size to 12 students per classroom, eight children with developmental delays and four children with typical development. For more information on the preschool classes, contact Amanda Westrick, Principal.
Referrals for preschool students with an identified need and wish to attend Good Samaritan School through the IEP team process in compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). If an IEP team determines that a child is not best served in their home district, the home district, in compliance with all state and federal laws, may choose to contact the Defiance County Board of DD.
Applications for Typically Developing Students
Peers who are typically developing will be screened as part of their entrance requirements. Entrance requirements include: A completed application, an annual physical examination; immunization records, family information records. The cost of one year of attending preschool for students who are typically developing is $2,500.
Preschool classes meet five full days per week, Monday through Friday, following the adopted nine month Good Samaritan School calendar. Transportation is offered to students who are typically developing if there is availability.